Nikolai Stoianov is Colonel in the Bulgarian Armed Forces, Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Bulgarian Defence Institute.
He has significant experience in developing information systems with various designation, and many are already used in the Bulgarian Armed Forces. He specialises in the field of Information Security and is involved in a number of European research projects, including “INDECT”, “HOMER”, “GaP”, “ROBORDER”, “CAMELOT”, “FOLDOUT”, “ECHO”, “MEDEA”, “FORESIGHT”, “ARESIBO”, “SPIDER”, “PYTHIA, “SOLOMON”, and NATO SPS “CyRADARS”.
Dr. Stoianov is Bulgaria’s national representative in the NATO Science and Technology Board, chair of the STO IST Panel and contributor to the STO studies on “Future concepts and tools for Cyber Defence”, “Cyber Defence Situational Awareness”, “Defence Implications of Cloud Computing at Tactical Edge”, “Cyber Attack Detection, Forensics and Attribution for Assessment of Mission Impact”, “Visual Analytics (Cyber Security)”, “Intelligent Autonomous Agents for Cyber Defence and Resilience”, and served as Director of the STO Lecture Series on “Cyber Security Science and Engineering”. Dr. Stoianov has published ore than 100 papers in national and international scientific conferences and journals. He is also author and co-author of four books in field of information security.