Zlatogor Minchev is an Associate Professor on “Automation & Control” at the Institute of ICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; IT for Security Department Head (since 2018); Holds a PhD degree on Cybernetics & Robotics. Director of Joint Training Simulation & Analysis Center (since 2007), organizing and conducting research in the fields of: cybersecurity, crisis & emergency management, emerging security challenges & antiterrorism handling, defence planning & assessment. Special accent is also given to: future threats analysis, modelling and forecasting; human factor response psycho-physiological monitoring and stimulation; Distributed computer assisted exercises in mixed cyber-physical realities; AI & General AI applied solutions. Author and coauthor of more than hundred scientific publications, including: twenty three books and several patents; successful participant in a large number of scientific projects with national & international funding on expert and managing positions. Laureate of numerous prestigious national & international awards in the fields of security, computer science & informatics. Recognized as opinion leader on security & cybersecurity problems in NATO. Visiting professor on cybersecurity for: Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, Gelişim Üniversitesi, İstanbul; multiaspect security problems: University of National & World Economy – Sofia, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies. Founder and President of Securing Digital Future 21 expert forum, http://securedfuture21.org